Global Asset Management Company leading the

Real Estate Alternative Investment Market

  • Total AUM

    0 trillions

  • In Business for

    0 Years

  • Investment Exposure

    0 Countries

  • Number of investment
    & Management professionals


Global Investment Management

What Differentiates Us?

1. Capacity to utilize REF & REIT vehicles

  • 5th largest AMC in the REITs Market (as of 2023), AUM 3.7 trillions
  • REF(Real Estate Fund), AUM 3.2 trillions

2. Strong track record of direct development in various types of real estate

  • Multiple investment products directly developing large logistics centers and residential complex

3. Value maximation strategy through transition of property usage

  • Transition from Office to Business Hotel (First case within Korea)

4. First IPO REIT in Korea to invest in overseas commercial real estate

  • Consistently acquiring assets since IPO with The Finance Tower(Brussels)

5. Strong presence in the Japanese real estate market

  • Launch of the first Korean REIT to invest in Japan and also outside of Korea
  • Investment portfolio of various asset types including office, logistics, residence and hotel

6. Pioneer in the Vietnamese real estate development field

  • Currently developing Office/Hotel complex, residential complex, and logistics centers

7. Expansion of investment exposure in the US market.